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Content Image 1:   Heritage
Content Image 3:   Community

Information on church volunteering

St Alfege Church, like most churches, relies on the skills, time and enthusiasm of volunteers to run services, to keep the church looking beautiful, to help the community and to welcome visitors.

Helping with church services

If you are interested in helping with church services, for example, being a welcomer/sidesperson, serving during Holy Communion, helping to run Children’s church, or flower-arranging, please contact Carole Moses (

Bring your skills

If you have particular skills which might be of use to the church, for example, IT, maintenance, running our sound system and if you have some regular or occasional spare time, please contact  the Churchwardens. 

Heritage Ambassadors

People come from all over the world to visit St Alfege Church. They come to find silence or to pray, to follow up family connections with the church, to see its beautiful architecture, and to find out about the history of the many famous people associated with the building such as St Alfege himself, Henry VIII, Thomas Tallis and General Wolfe.

We have a team of enthusiastic volunteers who keep the church open every day and who provide a warm welcome and helpful information to visitors. Volunteers work in two or three-hour slots either regularly every week or month or occasionally as and when they are available. Training and support is given and we regularly organise activities such as visits to other historical attractions. As a group our volunteers recently visited Canterbury Cathedral to see the site where St Alfege was Archbishop and where his remains once lay.

If you are interested in this enjoyable and fascinating role, please visit our Volunteering page.

Helping the community

Members of the congregation at St Alfege Church regularly volunteer to help vulnerable members of the community. For example, they cook and serve meals for residents at the 999 Club, a night shelter for the homeless in Deptford.  

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2. Had you heard of the Heart of Greenwich Place and People project at St Alfege Church before looking on the website?


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