Lent 2025

Ash Wednesday 5 March
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday with services of Holy Communion at 12 noon in church and at 8pm at the Old Royal Naval College chapel. As part of each service we receive the mark of the cross in ashes on our forehead as a sign of penitence and commitment. 12 noon Holy Communion with imposition of ashes.
Worship with us throughout Lent:
8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10am Sung Eucharist and Children’s Church
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
8.30am Morning Prayer
8am Holy Communion
Lent course 2025
Our 2025 Lent course for St Alfege and Old Royal Naval College Chapel members is a five-week course based on Revd Charlie Bell's book 'Searched me out and known me: Journeying Lent with the Psalms'. Each week we will consider a different Psalm alongside the Sunday gospel reading, covering themes such as Reliance, Lament, Sanctification, Abundance, Service and Power.
In these pages Charlie, a priest and medical doctor in Southwark Diocese, helps us to appreciate the Psalms as texts to be prayed over and to be prayed with, to be breathed in and breathed out, as music and poetry that calls to our hearts and then to our heads - pointing within ourselves and outward in worship towards God.
We invite you to attend one of three courses starting in the week beginning 11th March:
1. Tuesday evenings at 8pm on ‘Zoom’, starting on 11th March. Led by Richard Mash, Moira Searle and Keith Ison. Please email Richard to join.
2. Wednesday evenings at 7pm, starting on 12th March. Led by Janelle Hanford-Spira and Revd Simon Winn at the Vicarage, 33 Park Vista, SE10 9LZ. Please email the church office to join.
3. Thursday mornings at 10.00am, starting on 6th March. In the Vicar’s Vestry in church, led by Revd Dr Robert Tobin and Marjorie Ouvry. Please email Revd Robert to join.
You can buy a course book for the reduced price of £10 via your group leader. We ask you to commit to every week if possible, and to remain with the same group.
If you can't attend the course and want to use the book on your own or with someone else this Lent, it is a good resource and includes daily reflections in Holy Week - you can buy a copy via the church office.
Next week we’ll also have free copies of the Church of England’s ‘Living Hope’ booklet available, featuring reflections for Lent and Easter - there are copies for adults and also for children and families.
Holy Week and Easter
Then join us for our services for Holy Week and Easter:
Palm Sunday 13 April
Maundy Thursday 17 April
Good Friday 18 April
Holy Saturday 19 April
Easter Sunday 20 April
Please check this page for more details coming soon.
Wendy Foreman, 01/03/2018