Become a Friend of St Alfege Church
Friends of St Alfege Church was set up nearly thirty years ago by a group of people who took a warm interest in the parish church of Greenwich and wanted to support it. While not everyone worshipped at the church on a regular basis, they all appreciated the importance of the church in the life of the local community. This same spirit of support continues today. The Friends provides a way for people of other denominations and none, those who have moved away and those abroad, to keep in touch with St Alfege Church news and activities. An annual garden party allows Friends to meet and catch up with each other. Other fundraising events take place from time to time, including walks, talks and publications about aspects of the church's history and work. Modest grants are made, including for example, recent contributions to the cost of the installation of non-wax candles, the maintenance of the organ and the defibrillator.
The current subscription rates are: £10 for an individual and £15 for a couple or family. If you would like to join the Friends please complete this application form marked for the attention of Elizabeth Pearcey, Secretary to the Friends, and return it to The Church Office, St Alfege Church, Greenwich Church Street, London SE10 9BJ
For any enquiries or more information please contact Elizabeth Pearcey by email