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Advent and Christmas Services 2024

Please note that these are special services for Advent and Christmas in addition to our normal 8am and 10am services on Sundays and our normal weekday services.

There is no Choral Evensong on Sunday 24 November and there is no Abide service on Sunday 1 December

Sunday 1 December First Sunday of Advent
6.30pm   Service of Music and Readings for Advent

Sunday 15 December Third Sunday of Advent
10.00am   All Age Eucharist with Nativity Play

Monday 16 December
6.30pm    Longest Night/Blue Christmas service

Sunday 22 December Fourth Sunday in Advent
6.30pm      Service of Nine Lessons and Carols followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall

Tuesday 24 December Christmas Eve
5.00pm       Christingle Service
11.00pm     Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25 December Christmas Day
11.00am     Sung Eucharist

Sunday 29 December
8.00am    Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am   Parish Eucharist
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