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Content Image 1:   Bellringing
Content Image 2:   Meet the team
Content Image 3:   Choir

How to get married at St Alfege Church  

Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.  If you live in the parish of St Alfege, have a close pastoral connection with this church, or regularly attend services here then do please make contact with us about the service of Marriage.

You can find out which is your local parish church at A Church Near You. Our parish boundaries are Deptford Creek, Norman Road, Greenwich High Road, Blackheath Road, Blackheath Hill and Shooters Hill Road, Maze Hill, Hoskins Street and the River Thames. 

The guidelines set by the Church of England state that a couple may be married in a particular church if they can show one of the following seven connections to it.

That one of you:

• was baptized in the parish or
• was prepared for confirmation in the parish or
• has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
• has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least six months and is on the electoral roll*
That one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
• Has lived in the parish for a period of at least six months or
• Has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least six months and is on the electoral roll*
That one of your parents or grandparents:
• was married in the parish.

*The electoral roll is our membership list and is made up of those who worship here regularly. People can join the electoral roll once they have attended St Alfege Church regularly for six months, and if they intend to continue doing so.

Booking your wedding or marriage blessing

Initial enquiries can be made to the church office, 020 8853 0687 or

What to bring with you
• Proof of ID - a passport or full driving licence
• Proof of address- driving licence or utility bill (within 3 months)
• Any specific documents required - your decree absolute if you have been divorced or your marriage certificate if you would like a Wedding Blessing.
• To secure the booking, we require a deposit of £200 (non-refundable in the case of cancellation). 


If you require an organist and/or choir please make an appointment with Ben Newlove, Director of Music, to discuss the musical aspect of your wedding.  Meetings can take place on Sundays at 12.30pm.  Please arrange a date and time by contacting the church administrator directly.

If you wish to bring your own choir, there will be a £150.00 fee.

If you require the bells, please let the church administrator know.  You can have the bells rung at the beginning and end of your ceremony. Bells to be rung after the wedding ceremony  is £200. Bells to be rung before and after the wedding ceremony is £250.     

Please note weddings do not take place at St Alfege Church from 15 December until 5 January each year.

Planning your wedding service

You can find lots of helpful information provided by the Church of England about preparing for marriage here. It can also answer many of your practical questions as well as providing ideas for readings and hymns.  

Changes to Marriage Law 2021

From 4 May 2021, changes will be introduced in England & Wales that affects how marriages are registered.
Marriages will remain a verbal contract, formed when you say the legal words to each other in the presence of your witnesses and the vicar.  At the end of the ceremony you will no longer sign the marriage register.  Instead you will sign a marriage document, or schedule, which will be used to enter the information onto an electronic register. Marriage certificates are now only issued by the borough Register office.
With the new changes, all parents  details can be included.

Charges for weddings and marriage blessings

These fall into two categories: statutory fees required by the Church of England and charges for music etc which are at the discretion of the local church. Statutory fees do not apply to marriage blessings.

Statutory fees - from January 2025

Publication of banns of marriage: £37.00
Marriage service: £544.00
Verger (including registers/certificate): £65.00
Certificate of banns (if required): £56.00

Local charges

Music Deposit: £150.00*
Organist: £203.40
Choir of four experienced singers (£95 per chorister): £380.00
Permission to video: £150.00*

 *Note: an additional sum of £50.85 for the organist and £25.00 for each choir member must be paid under music copyright. This charge refers to any video recording, not just to professional recording.

*If the bride or groom are more than 15 minutes late for the ceremony, this deposit will be forfeited.

Cancellation fee if the musical arrangements are cancelled within six weeks of the ceremony.


We ask for a donation, if you are able to do so, of £250.00 towards the costs of heating, lighting, cleaning and upkeep of the historic fabric of this famous church. We ask you to Gift Aid this separately from the other charges. For every £100 you give, we can claim, as a charitable body, another £25 from the government in reclaimed tax. Cheques are to be made payable to St Alfege PCC.  



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