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Adult baptism or confirmation

For young people over the age of 16 years and adults wishing to be baptised and confirmed, we regularly run a course.  Each year a Confirmation Service is held in the Charlton Deanery (our local group of Anglican churches) with the Bishop of Woolwich presiding and members of St Alfege are often confirmed at that service.  If you are thinking about adult baptism or confirmation please contact the church office.  

For Anglicans, Confirmation is the fulfilment of promises made for us or by us at our baptism, and the way in which we publicly declare our faith and our desire to follow Christ as a ‘grown up’ Christian. At the service, the Bishop lays hands on each candidate, anoints them and prays for the Holy Spirit to equip and empower them for the journey of faith ahead. The congregation offer their support and prayers and we celebrate.  It's also possible for those already confirmed in the Anglican Church or in another tradition to publicly re-affirm their faith. 

Organising a baptism or christening  

Baptism (sometimes called a christening) is the sacrament of welcome into the worldwide church. At the service parents and godparents make promises to raise their child in the Christian faith. 

If you live in the parish of St Alfege, have a close pastoral connection with this church or regularly attend services here then do please contact us about the services of Baptism. If you do not live in the parish and do not have a pastoral connection or regularly worship here, we suggest that you contact your local parish church. It is important that baptism takes place in a church community that can nurture your faith and welcome you to become part of its community.

You can find out which is your local parish church at A Church Near You. Our parish boundaries are Deptford Creek, Norman Road, Greenwich High Road, Blackheath Road, Blackheath Hill and Shooters Hill Road, Maze Hill, Hoskins Street and the River Thames. 

Our clergy or lay ministers meet with parents to help them prepare for their child's baptism. Baptisms are held throughout the year, either within the main Sunday service or on a set Sunday afternoon.

If you are thinking about baptism as an adult, we would be happy to explore this with you - please contact the church office.  

There are no charges for baptism.



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