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Sung Eucharist

Sunday next before Lent

23 February 2025

And Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm ... They were amazed and said to one another, "Who then is this, that he commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him?" Luke 8: 24b, 25b.

eularia clarke storm
Eularia Clarke, Storm over the Lake, oil on canvas over board,  1963. From the Methodist Modern Art Collection © TMCP, used with permission.

A warm welcome to our services of Holy Communion. Revd Dr Robert Tobin is presiding and preaching at 8am. Revd Simon Winn is presiding at 10am. We welcome Mandy Brinkhurst, Operations Manager at Greenwich Homeless Project as our preacher at 10am.  Children’s Church is meeting in the Hall.

You can download the service sheet with details of readings, prayers, hymns and music for the 10am service here.

The music for this service and the rest of the month can be found here.


Choral Evensong this evening


Do join us for our service of Choral Evensong at 6.30pm on Sunday 23 February. Led by Revd Simon Winn, Vicar. Music by Tallis, Howells, and Mendelssohn. 


A Prayer for Peace in the Middle East

Compassionate and loving God, we stand with those who cry in anguish in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon.

With those who have lost their lives to violence, those who mourn, those who have been displaced, those who are held unjustly against their will, those who have lost their homes and livelihoods.

We pray for an end to the fighting and violence.

We pray for the courage to speak up for peace, to challenge the hatred in our own hearts and minds, and to do all that we can to make for the peace that builds our common life as the nations of your world.

Lord, move our hearts.

A Prayer from Embrace the Middle East.


You can follow a livestream of our 10am Holy Communion services on our YouTube Channel: @StAlfegeChurch.

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