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Landscaping - replacement trees
November 2020

Early in 2020 St Alfege Church was delighted to receive a grant of just over £39,000 from The Veolia Environmental Trust for soft landscaping and the creation of a community memorial garden as part of its Heart of Greenwich Place and People project. The project includes the planting of replacement trees, new planting in both the north and south courtyards, the creation of a community memorial  garden and returfing of the green in the West courtyard.   

Nine replacement trees were planted in the west and south courtyards in November 2020. This included three elm, two hornbeam, two liquidambar and two mulberry trees.  We would like to thank the team from the tree department of Royal Borough of Greenwich led by James Hedges and Jack Partridge for their expertise, hard work and enthusiasm for this project as well as Veolia Environnmental Trust which supported this.

Please see the replacement tree plan for the location of the trees.
The replacement trees include:

2 low level mulberry trees in the south courtyard - like St Alfege Church mulberry trees have links to the Tudor period. 
5 new trees including three elm and two liquidambar on the west green
2 hornbeam at the entrance to the west courtyard by the cobbled area. 

The new trees are well established and resilient to disease and drought. 

The horse chestnut on the green immediately opposite the west door is in good health as is the horse chestnut in the community memorial garden area with the seating around it.    The large plane opposite St Alfege Passage is also doing well.

The Heart of Greenwich project has always been about access and about legacy. What an exciting opportunity we have, not only to welcome people into our beautiful church courtyard with these new trees, but to gift them to our community to enjoy for the next hundred years.

Wendy Foreman, 15/10/2020
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