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Church music for the month - March 2025


2 March (Sunday before Lent)
10am Choral Eucharist 

199 Immortal, invisible God only wise 
441 Christ upon the mountain peak
139 Rejoice the Lord is king
192 Praise my Soul the king of heaven
Setting Stanford in Bb
Psalm 99
Anthem Give unto the Lord - Elgar
Communion Agnus Dei from Stanford in Bb
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Stanford
Organ Voluntary Toccata and Fugue, BWV 538 - J.S. Bach

9 March (Lent 1)
10am Choral Eucharist

56 Forty days and forty nights
From ashes to the living font
246 Just as I am
217 Be thou my guardian
Introit Attende Domine
Setting Missa Emendemus - Palestrina
Psalm 91 vv. 1-11
Anthem In ieiunio et fletu - Tallis
Communion Agnus Dei and Benedictus from Missa Emendemus - Palestrina
Miserere Mei Deus - Byrd
Organ Voluntary Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir BWV 686 - J.S. Bach

16 March (Lent 2)
10am Choral Eucharist 

346 Christ is the world's true light
129 Lord Jesus, think on me
184 Jerusalem the golden
365 God is love
Introit Te Joseph celebrent
Setting Missa XVII
Psalm Psalm 27 vv. 1-9
Anthem Emendemus in Melius - Byrd
Communion Agnus Dei from Missa XVII
Nolo mortem peccatoris - Morley
Organ Voluntary Double Organ Voluntary in D minor - Purcell

23 March (Lent 3)
10am Choral Eucharist

4 Christ whose glory fills the skies
123 Jesus, lover of my soul
All for Jesus
212 Who would true valour see
Introit Oculi Mei ad semper dominum
Setting Missa Sancta Maria - Duarte Lobo
Psalm Psalm 63 vv. 1-9
Anthem Super flumina Babylonis - Palestrina
Communion Agnus Dei from Missa Sancta Maria - Duarte Lobo
Versa est in luctum  - Alonso Lobo
Organ Voluntary Ancient Sunlight - Judith Bingham

30 March (Mothering Sunday/Lent 4)
10am Choral Eucharist

I come with joy
Bind us together
Will you come and follow me
Now thank we all our God
Anthem Mother of God here I stand - Tavener
Communion Agnus Dei from Messe Cum jubilo
Stabat Mater - Anerio
Organ Voluntary Kyrie, Gott heilliger Geist, BWV 671 - J.S. Bach

30 March
6.30pm Service of Music and Readings for Lent


Miserere Mei Deus - Byrd
Versa est in luctum - Alonso Lobo
Lamenations I - Tallis
Christus factus est - Bruckner
Stabat Mater - Anerio

The Royal Banners forward go
My song is love unknown
When I survey the wondrous Cross
Organ Voluntary

Sunday 27 April 2024
Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 - J.S.Bach

Choir Holiday - No Choral Evensong

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