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Church music for the month - February 2025


2 February (Candlemas) / 10am Choral Eucharist 

Faithful vigil ended
God is Here! As we his people
Great is thy faithfulness
Introit When to the temple Mary went - Eccard
Anthem Senex puerum portabat -Byrd
Communion Agnus Dei from Missa super Mon cœur se recommande à vous - Eccard
Nunc dimittis - Holst
Organ - Voluntary Fanfare on 'Shine Jesus, Shine' - Tambling

9 February (Racial Justice Sunday) / 10am Choral Eucharist

376 -  In Christ there is no east or west
126 - The king of love 
Let us build a house 
202 - Let all the World 
Setting Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo - Haydn
Psalm 146 vv. 5-10
Anthem O hearken thou - Elgar
Communion Agnus Dei and Benedictus from Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de
Deo - Haydn
Organ - Voluntary Variations VII, VIII, IX, X and Xi from Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig
BWV 768 - J.S. Bach

16 February (Septuagesima) / 10am Choral Eucharist 

209 - Through all the changing scenes of life
238 - Blest are the pure in heart
115 - Dear Lord and father of mankind
336 - All my hope on God is founded
Setting Mass for 4 voices - Byrd
Psalm Psalm 1
Anthem Quomodo cantabimus - Byrd
Communion Agnus Dei from Mass for
4 voices - Byrd
I call and cry to thee - Tallis
Organ - Voluntary Allegro from Sonata No. 6
BWV530i - J.S. Bach

23 February (Sexagesima) / 10am Choral Eucharist

95 - Holy, holy, holy 
157 - Breathe on me breath of God 
343 - Be thou my vision
458 - Forth in the peace of Christ
Introit Darke in E
Psalm Psalm 65
Anthem Let all the world - Vaughan Williams
Communion Agnus Dei from Darke in E
Set me as a seal - Walton
Organ - Voluntary Fugen No.1 Op 60 - Schumann


23 February / 6.30pm Choral Evensong

Introit God be in my head - Radcliffe
Responses     Tallis
Psalm Psalm 104 vv. 1-26
Canticles Howells - St Paul's Service
Anthem Hear my prayer - Mendelssohn
Organ - Voluntary Choral-improvisation sur le 'Victimae Paschali' - Tournemire
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