Church music for the month - January 2025
5 January (Feast of the Epiphany)
10am Choral Eucharist
Hymns: 47 Brightest and best
49 O worship the Lord
327 From the eastern mountains
51 As with gladness men of old
Setting: Darke in F
Psalm: 72 vv. 10-15
Anthem: Tomorrow shall be my
dancing day - Gardner
Communion: A New Year Carol - Britten
Three Kings - Cornelius
voluntary: Cortège et Litanie - Dupré
12 January (Baptism of Christ)
10am Choral Eucharist
Hymns: 53 Songs of thankfulness and praise
143 Jesus shall reign
142 Hail to the Lord's appointed
431 We have a gospel to proclaim
Setting Missa Sancti Nicolai - Haydn
Psalm: 29
Anthem: Lo! Star-led chiefs - Crotch
Communion: Agnus Dei from Missa Sacnti
Nicolai - Haydn
voluntary: The Birds: Bridal March and
Finale - Parry
19 January (Epiphany 2)
10am Choral Eucharist
Hymns: 209 Through all the changing scenes of life
258 Author of life divine
257 Deck thyself my soul
170 The church's one foundation
Setting: Missa Brevis - Palestrina
Psalm: 36 vv. 5-10
Anthem: Videntes stellam - Poulenc
Communion: Agnus Dei from Missa
Brevis - Palestrina
Here is the little door
- Howells
voluntary: Toccata, Adagio and Fugue
in C major, BWV 564
- J.S. Bach
26 January (Epiphany 3)
10am Choral Eucharist
Hymns: 177 Thy kingdom come O Lord
512 The kingdom is upon you
125 O for a thousand tongues
194 King of glory, king of peace
Setting: Missa Brevis in C
('Spartzen-Messe') - Mozart
Psalm: 19
Anthem: Ecce Advenit - Byrd
Communion: Agnus Dei - Missa Brevis in C
- Mozart
voluntary: Fantasia in D minor, BK 46
= Byrd
26 January
6.30pm Choral Evensong
Introit: Ave Maris Stella - Greig
Psalm: 113
Canticles: Walton - Chichester Service
Anthem: Christus (When Jesus our Lord
and There shall be a star)
- Mendelssohn
voluntary: Final, from Symphony No 2
in E minor - L. Vierne