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Millennium of St Alfege 1012-2012 

In April 2012, a few months before the London Olympics, we celebrated the millennium of the martyrdom of St Alfege. The highlight was a special church service with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, also attended by the Bishop of Bergen in Norway. Dr John Sabapathy, a lecturer in mediaeval history, gave a fascinating lecture on St Alfege earlier that year, which examined the different accounts of his life in detail. A short film covering the Millennium was also produced. 

March 2012  Talk given by Dr John Sabapathy about the life of St Alfege 

19 April 2012  Sermon preached by Archbiship of Canterbury, Dr  Rowan Williams 

St Alfege Church sewing panels

Among events in Greenwich to mark the Millennium in 2012 of the death of Alfege, Archbishop of Canterbury, beaten to death by Danish raiders on the site of St Alfege Church, a project was launched to create four needlework panels representing stories about the life of Jesus from the New Testament set in modern day Greenwich.  Find out more here


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