What is St Alfege currently doing?
What are our aims when it comes to going greener?
St Alfege is part of the Church of England. We work with other churches and organisations to achieve our shared aims.
These include caring for our world and everything that lives in it.

What have we agreed to do so far ?
• The Church of England has set a national goal of reaching net zero by 2030. St Alfege is starting to plan how we achieve this.
• We and sister churches in Charlton and Greenwich Deanery, and Southwark Diocese, are using an external award scheme – Eco Church – to help reduce our environmental footprint, and tackle climate change and social injustice.
But what difference can a single person or church make?
Climate change, loss of wildlife and damage to the natural world are all global problems. Change is already here, whether we like it or not. Those who are poorest and weakest are suffering the most.
Governments and individuals need to act quickly to limit what humans are doing to destroy the delicate balance of our world. And change on a large scale always starts with one and then more individuals deciding to take action.

The good news is that we know what to do. Individuals, groups, companies and some governments round the world have begun the process of change. We can make a better and more just world for ourselves, the planet and future generations. Why wouldn’t anyone want to help?
Where do we start?
We are at the beginning of a journey. Here is a high level map of what St Alfege’s ‘green’ agenda looks like now, in three areas:
- as an organisation
- as a community, and
- as ourselves.

What areas are we initially looking at?
We are using the Eco Church scheme*. This looks at five areas:

* Eco Church Award Scheme from charity A Rocha UK
How are we doing on meeting our Eco Church goals?
Here is how we score on the Eco Church questionnaire in these five areas:

We have begun. There is plenty to do and we need your help.
We held a Workshop on the 22nd January to help us decide what is most important for us in our journey towards net zero carbon emissions, so we can develop a plan for the next five years. You can read about what happened here.
Alongside the Workshop we are identifying specific things that people can help with. There will be more about that soon.
You can also watch this presentation as a video.